Friday, August 31, 2007

25th August, leaving Siam Reap

I met Meredith and Tim for breakfast before saying our goodbye's as I had a seat booked on the bus to Phnom Penh that morning.

Before leaving the hotel, I tracked down the hotel man to pick up my washed clothes. He informed me that I had shortchanged him the day before by $1.50. I'm sure this was wrong, the mix of Riel and $US does get confusing but I think he was just trying to milk what he could from me (he was angry that I didn't book my bus tickets with him). I stood and argued for a few minutes but ended up giving in. I know I shouldn't of but it was $1.50 and I had to meet T & M.

After breakfast I walked back to the hotel to pick up my bag that was ready and waiting in my room. I put my key in the door and the lock wouldn't turn, I tried it a few times and still no luck. That fucking fuck-head had fucked up my lock.

I sprinted downstairs as I was running short of time. I knew this was another scam and could see it in his lack of surprise when I told him it wouldn't open. He sent up one of the staff who tried keys from a big ring. She tried one after the other but of course none would work.

I went back downstairs and made him come with me to the room. I explained that I needed to be at the travel shop in 10 minutes and needed my bags straight away. I told him that I'd kick it open if he couldn't get it done for me. He said he'd call the police. I told him that I'd have more of a right as effectively he was stealing my property. I started banging my open palm on the door which echoed loudly through the hotel, a few people opened the doors which made him a bit nervous.

He told me to stop and that it was my fault as I had lost my keys... that got me - I don't know if I've ever been angrier. I yelled at him to "open this fucking door right now" or I'd kick it in. I would've done it, but the back of my mind was imagining what a Cambodian prison would be like.

He said ok, ok, and came back a minute later with a young boy carrying a few tools.

After a bit of a wait, pacing up and down the hall-way we were in. I brushed past him, grabbed my bag, and took off. Ran from the hotel and on to the back of the nearest scooter. I made it there 15 minutes late which turned out ok as the bus was late anyway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Bloody Nora, angry Andrew! Shame about the scamminess of the place but I have to admit I did laugh at your panic to meet the bus 'on time',I thought all SE Asian buses ran on a 40mins past deadline timetable.